Tenants can check landlord compliance with new property portal
Tenants will be able check their landlord's compliance with a new online property portal that was promised as part of the Government's ‘A fairer private rented sector’ White Paper published in June 2022.
The Government has finally responded to its consultation on reforming the existing Rogue Landlord Database and says the recently-announced property portal will ensure that tenants, landlords and local councils can all access any information they need. As the data on the portal will be publicly available for all to see, it's hoped that it will help help drive rogue landlords and agents out of the sector.
The database was originally introduced in April 2018 but hasn't been as successful at revealing rogue estate agents and landlords as expected. Although it has been mandatory for housing authorities to report when a landlord or property agent has received a banning order, lax legislation has meant that housing authorities have been able to use their discretion to make entries, resulting in low reporting rates.
But that’s all set to change as the new portal will provide a single ‘front door’ for landlords to understand their responsibilities, for tenants to be able to see whether their landlord is compliant, and for local councils to crack down on criminal landlords.
The move will boost transparency in the sector and help clear out rogue landlords. However, honest landlords will benefit as the portal will support good landlords to demonstrate regulatory compliance and to attract prospective tenants.
A spokesperson for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC), said “The portal will act as a trusted one-stop-shop for guidance on renting in the private rented sector – levelling up awareness of tenants’ and landlords’ rights and responsibilities across the country.”
If you have any questions about compliance or require more information about our management services, please contact us on 0161 511 5339 or complete our contact form.