Landlords to be given extra time to meet EPC rating targets
The deadline for Landlords to achieve an EPC 'C' rating in their rental properties is set be delayed by an extra three years.
Reports in the Daily Telegraph newspaper say that the deadline for new lettings properties to have a minimum of a 'C' EPC rating is going to be delayed by three years from 2025 to 2028, and this date will apply to all lettings.
Buy-to-let landlords and property investors were set to be barred from renting out properties that did not meet at least a 'C' rating on their Energy Performance Rating certificates from 2025 onwards. This would have meant many landlords would need to spend large sums in upgrading properties to make them more energy efficient, including installing new heating, investing in double and triple galzed windows and installing insulation in lofts and wall cavities.
Given the current cost of living crisis and a number of other compliance regulations being enforced, and with more to follow, many in the lettings industry were predicting a large exodus of landlords from the sector, placing even more strain on an all ready under-stocked sector.
However, now it appears that the government has listened to lettings industry leaders who had been warning that a deadline of 2025 was unrealistic and unachievable. It was feared that many landlords would be forced out of the market, especially when faced with fines of up to £30,000 for non-complicance.
Now that pressure on landlords appears to have been relieved with the deadline for compliance being pushed back for a further three years. A maximum spend cap for landlords having to make improvements to their rental properties is also expected to be set at £10,000.
Is your rental property compliant with current legislation and future compliance demands? Contact us on 0161 511 5339 or complete our contact form for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss any compliance issues you may have and to review your lettings strategy for the future.