Property blog.
The benefits of sale by auction
When it comes to selling your home or investment properties, the method of selling through an auction can be a fast, secure, and cost-effective option.
Leasehold to be replaced with Commonhold in latest government property reform
The government has announced plans to replace leasehold with commonhold in England and Wales as part of its latest efforts to reform homeownership.
Government plans to reduce the time it takes for home buying and selling
The government claims that millions will benefit from planned improvements to the home buying and selling process.
EPC clampdown on private rented sector
Government announces proposals to mandate all private rented sector landlords in England and Wales to meet higher energy performance ratings within five years.
Interest rates cut to 4.5%
Interest rates have been cut by a quarter percent from 4.75% to 4.5% by the Bank of England today.
Renters’ Rights Bill advances in the House of Lords
The Renters' Rights Bill took another step forward yesterday, passing its second reading in the House of Lords.
Government urges relaxation of mortgage lending rules
In a bid to kick-start growth in the economy, financial regulators have proposed allowing banks to offer first-time buyers a mortgage with smaller deposits and lower incomes.
Renters’ Rights Bill to get Second Reading in the House of Lords
The Renters' Rights Bill is to receive its second reading in the House of Lords on February 4th.
One-month cap on advance rent payments in Renters’ Rights Bill amendment
A one-month cap on advance rent payments was added to the Renters' Right Bill at its Report Stage in the House of Commons.
Renters’ Rights Bill to go to Report Stage
The Renters Right Bill is to go to its Report Stage in the House of Commons on January 14th.
Renters’ Rights Bill: Revised grounds for notices
The Renters' Rights Bill will revamp the grounds under Section 8 should the landlord need possession along with increasing most of the notice periods given to tenants.
Renters’ Rights Bill: Setting rents
The Renters’ Rights Bill is arriving in 2025 and will prohibit the practice of rental bidding wars, putting an end to landlords and agents from encouraging or accepting rents above the advertised rate.
Labour makes landlord licensing easier
The Government is to make it easier for councils to implement a selective licensing scheme for landlords.
Renters’ Rights Bill: Pets in lets
Under the Renters' Rights Bill legislation, tenants will have the right to keep pets, although landlords can request appropriate insurance.
Renters’ Rights Bill: Tenancy reform
The Renters' Rights Bill will introduce a new tenancy system, ending “fixed term” Assured Shorthold Tenancies.
Renters’ Rights Bill: Abolishment of ‘No Fault’ Section 21 Notice
The Renters' Rights Bill will abolish the 'no fault' Section 21 notice, with new robust grounds for possession being introduced.
Interest rates cut to 4.75%
The cost of borrowing decreased today as interest rates were cut by a quarter percent from 5.0% to 4.75% by the Bank of England.
Stamp duty land surcharge increases in budget
The Chancellor Rachel Reeves has announced a range of property tax measures in the Budget today.
Renters’ Rights Bill Passes Second Reading
The Renters’ Rights Bill passed its 'second reading' on Wednesday (9th October) less than a month after it was first introduced.
Labour to overhaul EPCs ahead of 2030 upgrade deadline
Government's Energy Efficiency and Net Zero department unveils plans to overhaul Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and the MEES system.
Decent Homes Standard for the private rented sector coming soon
Labour will shortly begin consulting on a Decent Homes Standard for the private rented sector.
Landlords will be prevented from renting out homes with EPC rating less than ‘C’ from 2030
Ed Miliband has told the Labour Party Conference that he is going to prevent landlords from renting out 'cold and draughty' homes.
Property Ombudsman issues new guidance on damp and mould
The Property Ombudsman has published new guidance to help agents, landlords and tenants deal with condensation, damp and mould.
Renters’ Rights Bill Published
The Labour Party introduced the Renters’ Rights Bill into Parliament today (11 September 2024) for its ‘first reading’.
Renters’ Rights Bill to be introduced to Parliament this week
Renters’ Rights Bill including ban on section 21 evictions is due to have its first Commons reading.
Property prices reach two-year high
Property prices reached a two-year high in August with the recent interest rate cut increasing confidence among homebuyers.
Private Rented Sector makes £4 billion for North West
A new report has shown that the Private Rented Sector in the North West region makes a gross value added contribution of around £4 billion to the economy.
Labour sets new homes target in planning overhaul
Government aims to build 370,000 new homes each year by reforming the planning system and mandatory local targets.
Interest rates cut to 5%
The Bank of England has voted for an interest rates cut by quarter of a percent down to 5% today.
Budget date set with “tough choices” ahead
Labour's Chancellor Rachel Reeves has set the date for the first budget of the new Government - 30th October 2024.
New Renters’ Rights Bill to be introduced
A new Renters' Rights Bill has been announced today which includes giving greater rights and protections to people renting their homes, including ending 'no fault' evictions and reforming grounds for possession.
What are the parties promising for housing this election?
With the general election just a day away, we take a look at the manifesto pledges for housing from each of the main parties.
Labour’s manifesto pledges for housing
With the general election looming and Labour's strong lead in the polls, their manifesto pledges for housing may well become legislation in early July.
Labour promises ‘freedom to buy’ low deposit mortgage scheme
Labour woos younger voters with 'freedom to buy' promise to extend the low-deposit mortgage scheme introduced by the Tories.
General Election means Renters (Reform) Bill binned
The General Election means that the Renters (Reform) Bill has run out of parliamentary time and won't become law.
Landlords to face a 10% increase in court fees
Landlords will face a 10% increase in court fees starting this week, with fee hikes affecting various court activities connected with managing a rental property.
Renters (Reform) Bill completes its Third Reading
The Government's Renters (Reform) Bill has completed its Commons stages and should now have no more than a few months in the House of Lords.
Sellers are springing into action
Increasing property sales activity has led to the average asking price of property coming to market rise by 1.1% this month.
Renters (Reform) Bill moves forward towards Royal Assent
The Renters (Reform) Bill is getting its next parliamentary reading next week, on Wednesday 24th April.
Private rental demand to soar long-term after social housing failures
The latest government figures show that there was a net loss of over 16,000 social homes in England last year, as sales and demolitions continue to surpass the number of homes built.
Interest rate remains despite calls for a cut to revitalise the housing market
With the inflation rate hitting a new two-year low as the cost of living measure slowed to 3.4% in February, there were hopes that the Bank of England would lower interest rates and potentially revitalise the housing market.
Give tax breaks to renters to help them buy
The Social Market Foundation 'think tank' has suggested that the government should consider tax breaks for private renters to help them save a deposit faster for buying a property.
Right to Rent Fines Increase Today
Fines for failure to implement a Right To Rent check before agreeing a tenancy have increased to up to £20,000 today, making compliance even more important.
Housing market optimism as bank of England holds interest rate
The Bank of England has held the base interest rate at 5.25% further fueling optimism across the housing market.
Local Housing Allowance’s Rise
Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates will rise in April as the chancellor makes good on his promise to unfreeze rates in a reaction to rising rent levels.
North West tipped for best buy-to-let returns
Residential buy-to-let in the North West of England is set to be the UK property market’s top performers this year according to Savills.
Leading mortgage provider reduces buy-to-let mortgage rates
A leading mortgage provider has reduced its buy-to-let mortgage rates significantly this month, with products with interest rates that start at just 3.79%.
Greater Manchester Good Landlord Charter
Mayor Andy Burnham has warned landlords that he will "get serious" about the Private Rented Sector and housing in the area, and promised that his "Greater Manchester Good Landlord Charter" will be enforced this year.
Inflation rate down to 3.9%
UK inflation rate falls to 3.9% in the year to November, providing some good news going into the festive break.
Government launches consultation on Home Energy Model energy rating system
The Government is proposing a new energy rating system called the Home Energy Model which will be used to generate Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).
Chancellor’s Autumn Statement measures impact rental sector
A number of measures announced in the Autumn Statement affect landlords, the rental market and the wider property sector.
Revised code of practice for Right To Rent
A revised code of practice for Right To Rent has been issued to landlords and lettings agents to bring it up to date with changes to the Immigration Act 2014 and the Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) Codes of Practice.
Changes made to the Renters Reform Bill
Changes have been made to the Renters Reform Bill in 'a vital next step in delivering a fairer system for both tenants and landlords'.
Government rules out tax help for landlords in near future
After some positive talk from the Housing Secretary, the dismissal of Rent Controls and an assumed delay to the abolishment of Section 21, Michael Gove has unfortunately ruled out any tax help for landlords.
Gove confirms no plans for Rent Controls in England
Housing Secretary Michael Gove has confirmed that the government has no plans to introduce rent controls in England, like the ones currently in place in Scotland, and under consideration in Wales.
Renters Reform Bill passes second reading without Section 21 abolishment
The Renters Reform Bill has passed it’s second reading, but only after the abolishment of Section 21 notices was removed.
Renters Reform Bill gets its second reading
The Government's Renters Reform Bill will get its long awaited second reading on Monday 23rd October 2023. The bill proposes a "fairer" private rented sector by introducing a number of new measures.
How to rent: the checklist for renting in England
The Government has just released an updated version of its 'How to rent: the checklist for renting in England' guide for people who are looking for a house or flat to rent.
Landlords can claim up to £30k in funding to adapt a rental property for older and disabled tenants
Landlords can claim up to £30k in funding to make adaptations to rental properties for older and disabled people that enables them to continue to live independently.
Rishi Sunak scraps green policy to force landlords to upgrade the energy efficiency of their properties
Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak has set out changes to the government's green commitments including scrapping of policies to force landlords to upgrade the energy efficiency of their properties.
Interest base rate remains at 5.25%
The Bank of England' latest interest rates decision is a welcome one for landlords, as its monetary policy committee agreed to keep the base rate at 5.25% today.
Landlords face more scrutiny over damp and mould in rented properties
Landlords are to face deeper scrutiny over damp and mould in rented properties - with the potential of unlimited fines - following updated guidance from the Government.
Landlords have a legal responsibility for annual gas safety checks
Landlords must make sure maintenance and annual gas safety checks are carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer to ensure their tenants stay safe.
House prices fall at their fastest rate in 14 years
House prices fell at their fastest annual rate in 14 years in August, according to the Halifax, as rising mortgage rates affected the market.
Considering selling? Request a Portfolio Compliance Review first!
Landlords considering selling their rental property should ensure that it is fully compliant before serving a section 21 notice - or run the risk of the notice being rejected by the court.
How to increase the rent on your rental property
How to formally and legally increase the rent on your rental property and other properties in your investment portfolio.
Mayor launches Greater Manchester Good Landlord Charter
Mayor launches Good Landlord Charter to recognise best practice and boost tenant confidence in the quality of rental properties, with the power to seize unsafe or poor housing from landlords who are unable or unwilling to meet decency standards.
Increasing number of evictions being delayed due to lack of County Court bailiffs
Increasing numbers of County Court bailiff evictions are being put on hold or cancelled due to a lack of court time and the availability of bailiffs to carry out evictions.
Renters Reform Bill introduced to Parliament today
The Government's long promised Renters Reforms legislation is due to be introduced to the UK Parliament today and is expected to implement many of the measures included in its ‘A Fairer Private Rented Sector’ White Paper that was published in June 2022.
Landlord Compliance Checklist
Our step-by-step Landlord Compliance Checklist takes you through everything you need to know as a landlord to stay compliant with lettings legislation.
The importance of tenant referencing
With competition between tenants so high and record-low numbers of available properties, fraudulent applications are on the increase, making it more important than ever to get tenant referencing right.
Lettings agents expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme – including one in Stockport
Eight lettings agents have been kicked out of The Property Ombudsman scheme in the first quarter of 2023, including a well known lettings agency in Stockport.
Nicole joins LettingsONE as Lettings Coordinator
We're delighted to welcome Nicole Fletcher as Lettings Coordinator, responsible for office administration and supporting our Lettings and Property Management team.
Landlords to be given extra time to meet EPC rating targets
Reports say that the deadline for new lettings properties to have a minimum of a 'C' EPC rating is going to be delayed by an extra three years from 2025 to 2028.
Rents for new lets have increased by 11.5% in Stockport
Rents for new lets in Stockport have increased by 11.5% in January 2023 compared to the same month a year before.
Another step closer to the Landlord Ombudsman
The Government has taken the first steps in introducing a mandatory Landlord Ombudsman scheme, which private landlords must join, by inviting tenders from organisations to run the ombudsman.
Interest rates rise again due to surprise inflation figure
The Bank of England has increased interest rates from 4% to 4.25%. It's the 11th consecutive rate increase following a surprise jump in the rate of inflation up to 10.4% in February.
What the Spring budget means for Landlords
There was no mention of reinstating tax relief on mortgage interest payments or cutting stamp duty, but there were other positives to be drawn from the Chancellor's Spring budget for landlords.
Right to Rent
As a landlord in the UK, you have a legal responsibility to ensure that your tenants have the right to rent in this country. This means that you must conduct Right to Rent checks on all prospective tenants before granting a tenancy agreement.
How to serve a Section 13 notice to increase the rent
How to serve a Section 13 notice to formally and legally increase the rent on a rental property and other properties in your investment portfolio.
Serving a Section 8 notice a challenge for Landlords
Serving a Section 8 notice informing a tenant of the intention to seek possession of the property due to rent arrears is a challenging process for landlords, with many potential pitfalls to negotiate.
Breathing Space for Tenants
Breathing Space is a debt respite scheme that provides tenants struggling with debt with legal protections from their creditors, including their landlord.
Accounting and record keeping: your responsibilities as a landlord
It's essential for landlords to keep records of all income and expenses, including rent payments, repairs, maintenance, and insurance.
Landlords not using a letting agent don’t understand their legal responsibilities under Right to Rent
Home Office research has shown that landlords not using a letting agent for the Right to Rent scheme don't fully understand their legal responsibilities when onboarding new tenants.
Decent Homes Standard promises new guidance for damp and mould in rented homes by summer
With the growing problem of mould and condensation in the private rented sector, the government has promised to update its guidance around damp and mould in rented properties by the summer.
Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 added additional measures for buildings with multiple residencies, buildings over 11 metres and high rise residential buildings.
Labour has launched its own review of the private rented sector
The Labour party has launched its own review of the private rented sector, adopting several measures from the Tories' Rental Reform Bill.
Fraudulent applications on the increase in the lettings sector
Fraudulent applications in the lettings sector have increased sharply over the past two years.
Petition to reverse Section 24 restricting tax relief for landlords
Section 24 of the Finance Act 2015 places restrictions on the tax relief that landlords can receive on their finance costs - yet a petition calls for this measure to be reversed.
Making Tax Digital For Landlords Postponed
Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) for landlords with an income of more than £50,000 has been postponed by HMRC until April 2026.
UK house prices drop for fourth month in a row
The price of a house in the UK fell by 1.5% in December for the fourth month in a row. The annual rate of growth dropped from 4.6% to 2.0%, which means that an average property now costs £281,272 - down by £4,153 from last month.
Largest drop in house prices for 14 years in November
House prices in the UK experienced their biggest drop in 14 years in November, reflecting the "volatility" in the housing market.
Plans to simplify tax for landlords
The Office of Tax Simplification published its "OTS Property income review: Simplifying income tax for residential landlords" this month, so what does it mean for landlords in Stockport and Manchester?
Government says private rented sector reform ‘will happen in 2023’
The Housing Secretary, Michael Gove said that the government will fast-track private rented sector reform in 2023.
What the Autumn Budget means for landlords
Latest Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt presented the Autumn Budget 2022 last week, aiming to "tackle inflation and keep mortgage rates down". So what measures where announced that impact landlords?
Gove hints that there may be Government help for the rental sector
Financial assistance for private tenants faced with increasing rents is one of a number of possible Government initiatives "on the table" according to Michael Gove, the new Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Ban on Section 21 evictions to be dropped?
Reports are emerging that the controversial plan to stop landlords evicting tenants under Section 21 laws may be abandoned by the new housing secretary, Simon Clarke.
Better to rent than sell?
Higher mortgage rates are reducing buying power and with the prospect of more to come, landlords that want to sell their property this year need to price realistically, as affordability will likely reach a crunch level in 2023.
October sees the end of Adjusted Right to Rent checks
October sees the end of Adjusted Right to Rent checks which were introduced during COVID, with tenancy applications and repeat Right to Rent checks returning to manual face-to-face checks for UK and Irish citizens and digital checks for overseas nationals using the Home Office’s share code system.
New PM, Liz Truss hints at Section 24 repeal
New Prime Minister, Liz Truss has hinted that the Government is minded to repeal Section 24, which would be a great boost for private landlords.
New smoke and carbon monoxide safety regulations enforced from October 1st
Landlords should be aware that the new safety regulations concerning carbon monoxide and smoke alarms will be enforced from October 1, with fines of up to £5,000 for non-compliance.
Tenants can check landlord compliance with new property portal
Tenants will be able check their landlord's compliance with a new online property portal that was promised as part of the Government's ‘A fairer private rented sector’ White Paper published in June 2022.
Neglecting to make an inventory puts landlords at financial risk
Landlords are increasingly neglecting to take an inventory before they rent a property, potentially leaving themselves open to financial risk.
Court delays leave landlords out of pocket
Legitimate, responsible landlords are becoming frustrated with a legal system that leaves them waiting month after month for a hearing and then, when possession is finally granted, having several more months of grief as they wait for a court-appointed bailiff to become available.
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations amended
The new "Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022" means that landlords must ensure both smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are properly installed in their properties, with fines of up to £5,000 where a landlord fails to comply.
TV star joins forces with Propertymark, the UK’s leading property regulatory body
Propertymark, the professional body for property agents in residential and commercial sales, lettings and auctioneering has revealed its exciting teaming with TV personality and property expert Phil Spencer’s Move iQ.
A Fairer Private Rented Sector
The government has released the full details of what it calls the Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper. This is to form the basis of a Bill to out its reforms into law. The bill outlines a number of radical changes to the rental landscape.
LettingsONE sponsors ‘the circus with a purpose’
LettingsONE has sponsored the 'circus with a purpose' with tickets for the Stockport show which are offered to disabled and disadvantaged children and their families for free.
Changes to the Private Rented Sector in 2022
We are tracking the latest developments in the laws and regulations affecting the property market, and how they will impact on landlords. Here's a rundown of the nine key issues facing landlords in 2022.
Tenants lean on “Bank of Mum & Dad” to make ends meet
The cost-of-living crisis is leading to a greater dependence on the Bank of Mum & Dad, following an extended period of support given during the pandemic, according to research from Saga Equity Release.
A new landlord ombudsman – what does this mean?
The Government has set out plans to reform the private rented sector in England, including the creation of a new ombudsman for private landlords.
How landlords can become more sustainable
Climate change is an issue that every industry faces, and with sustainability becoming ever higher on the agenda, its a challenge that landlords need to embrace.
Use registered, qualified contractors to protect your interests
A property management company has recently been fined £40,000 after a homeowner sustained burns when gas escaping from an open-ended pipe ignited.
Rent reviews: time to act for landlords?
If you're unsure if the rent you charge and the yield you achive is correct, maybe it's time your property had a rent review? And if you're unsure about the best way to go about implementing a rent increase, we can help.
Social housing white paper to drive up standards
The government has announced a raft of social housing reforms this week in its Social Housing White Paper in a drive to give residents a stronger voice and to drive up standards.
Landlord or tenant: How does the budget affect you?
The spring budget, together with new regulations and new legislation expected within the private rental sector, leaves many landlords and tenants staring down the barrel of uncertainty.
What should you look for when investing in property in 2022?
As the world moves on and adapts to the 'new normal' post-pandemic, it’s important that landlords do too when looking at their property investment options.
Carbon Monoxide alarms – new regulations and landlord obligations
The Government have announced today that Carbon Monoxide Alarms will have to be installed into every private rented property which benefits from a gas boiler or fire. Landlords should act now to ensure that they comply with the new regulations.
Why the churn of a tenancy is more important than ever
Why the churn of a tenancy is more important than ever. A recent court judgement has seen a tenancy "churn" be classified in the same way that a brand new tenancy would be, at least from a deposit protection perspective. Judge Luba QC found that in the case of Sturgiss & Anor VS Body &...
The EPC Crisis
If your investment property’s EPC is lower than a “C” at the moment, then it may be beneficial to take action now, before prices to rectify the poor grading begin to increase when approaching the deadline. Remember, if you are not compliant you cannot renew the tenancy, re-let the property or serve a valid notice to quit on your Tenant.
The ending of furlough and what is means for Landlords, Tenants and the future of the Private Rental Sector.
With the ending of furlough and the Universal Credit boost, the housing charity Crisis is predicting that around 100,000 households will now be at risk of eviction due to rent arrears.
Notice periods to return to pre-COVID lengths in October
At the start of September, the UK Government confirmed that notice periods will return to pre-COVID lengths in England from 1 October 2021.
Gas Safety Week: Fighting for a Gas Safe Nation
By taking care of your gas appliances properly you are taking care of your home, your loved ones and even looking out for your local community. Follow these few simple checks to keep you and others safe.
Gas Safety Week: Landlords’ legal responsibilities.
We're pleased to support Gas Safety Week 2021, which is taking place 13 – 19 September, an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of taking care of your gas appliances.
Preparing and Marketing your Rental Property
So, you’ve finally completed on your investment property, and you’re now looking at what to do before its ready to be marketed “To Let”. We’ve put together 10 points for you to consider, before you put your property on the market.
Management vs Self-Management.
So you’ve bought your investment property and invested wisely. You’ve done endless research into whether you need an agent to manage it or not, and who the best around are. You’ve read some horror stories and come across some property management companies that look like they know what they’re doing. So which option is best?
Right to Rent Checks.
It is incredibly important that as a Landlord, a Right to Rent check is conducted at the start of all tenancies, as should a Tenant be found to not have the correct Right to Rent, the Landlord could be fined up to £3,000.00 per disqualified person.